Williams Sporthorses specializes in meticulously sourcing and bringing along young horses in our hunter, jumper, and equitation training program. We also bring along a few lead line horses a year. We selectively consider horses to bring on for consignment. We would be happy to help you find your perfect match if you do not see what you are looking for. Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or for more information.
You Had Me At Bacon WSH
Prospect 1.40
Currently showing .60
Canadian Warmblood
Height 16.2
Sale $65,000
Bacon is a straightforward ride and is the same at home or at the show. He is currently jumping around a meter and has just started showing. He has a good green change that will soon become auto. He has excellent flat work and a great understanding of contact. He is safe and would make a great project for a good riding ammy, kid, or professional. He was started slowly and correctly and is ready to finish your way! He has a great brain and always tries! Great for vet, farrier, bathing, clipping etc. UTD on everything.

L Up To Speed
3 ring packer
shown in the .9/ 2'9
Belgian Warmblood
Height 16.3
Sale $45,000
Lease $15,000
More information coming soon!

Jumper Packer
Shown up to 1.30
Height 17
Sale $150,000
Lease $50,000
More info coming soon.

Luck Be a lady WSh
Small Pony
Shown cross rails
Age 10
Welsh Pony Cross
Height 12.1
Lease $5,000
Lady is an absolute barn favorite. She is perfect at teaching a kid from lead line through the short strirrup. She is easy enough to handle on the ground for a toddler to play with and groom. Nothing would make this little pony happier then to have her own litte to love on. She never steps a foot out of line, is the same pony regardless of time off and is an uncomplicated kick ride. She has green changes, a smooth jump and is good to hack out. She does have some minor meidical needs that we are happy to discuss with any intrested parties. Available for lease only.

Harley Quinn
Large Pony
Age 13
Welsh Pony Cross
Height 14.1
Sale $50,000
Lease $20,000
Quinn is a top-of-the-line large pony. She is a lovely hunter type who can also shine in the jumper ring. She has great changes, a smooth canter, hacks out, takes no prep, and is the same horse every day regardless of time off. She has tons of kids miles away and is ready to teach her next kid the job. She is great for the farrier, vet, and clipping, and UTD on everything.